Monday, 5 November 2007

Possible digitization of Dead Sea Scrolls

Jerusalem Post reports that "an international committee of 10 experts is meeting in Jerusalem this week to discuss the future digitization of the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Israel Antiquities Authority said Sunday."

"The Antiquities Authority will then act on the recommendations of the committee, which is being convened on the 60th anniversary of the scrolls' discovery."

"Many of the thousands of fragments of the scrolls were photographed only once, around the time of their discovery."

Sunday, 4 November 2007

Do Anglicans have a problem with Israel?

Rafael Medoff, writing for the Jerusalem Post, says in his article, "Does the Anglican Church have an Israel problem?":  

In England during the 1930s, the Archbishop of Canterbury - leader of the Anglican Church, which was the parent body of America's Episcopal Church - was Rev. Cosmo Gordon Lang, who contended that 'the Jews themselves' were to blame for the 'excesses of the Nazis.'

The article says: "Today, as during the Holocaust, there are those within the Episcopal Church whose positions on issues of Jewish concern have raised troubling questions. But it is clear that there are other voices, as well."

See the full article here.

The article is also reproduced on the Scholars for Peace in the Middle East Web site  here: